FAITHful Giving

Choose a campaign for your donation from the drop down.

Tithes and Offerings

When I tithe, God promises to:
Open the windows of heaven and pour out for me a blessing 
(Malachi 3:10)
When I give, Jesus promised: If I give, it will be given to me. 
With the same measure I give, it will be given back to me. 
Paul said: He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 
(II Cor.  9:6, Galatians 6:7)
As we give today’s sacrifice, we are believing the Lord for:
Jobs and Better jobs
Raises and Bonuses
Sales and Commissions
Checks in the Mail
Gifts and Surprises
Finding Money 
Bills Paid Off
Estates and Inheritances
Interest and Income
Rebates and Returns
Debts Demolished
Royalties Received
We are 100% Tithers!       
We are Blessed!
It’s Sacrifice Time!


How often would you like to make the donation you chose above?

The amount you chose will be donated once.
